Antimatter Labs: Vision & Roadmap 2022

3 min readJan 5, 2022


Antimatter Labs is developing option and derivatives products. Options and derivatives are highly complex financial products, which can be difficult to understand and have high barriers to entry. These kind of products often get overlooked by many users. Therefore our vision is the introduction of simplified derivatives products to serve users more conveniently. We try to use innovation and good UI/UX Design to reach a wider audience and find new growth room for our extensive Antimatter Ecosystem. Accesibility is key.

Our goal is to be the gateway of DeFi derivatives. We are early in this niche, which is still in the early stages of the Crypto & DeFi space. It goes without a say that we believe that this industry is here to stay.

Antimatter Ecosystem is structured and conceptualized to bring benefits to the Antimatter users and ultimately also for $MATTER holders.

Products in Development

Dual Investment

In addition to our already existing Dual Investment we will be introducing new features:

  • Recurring Vault: We are currently building a Vault which enables users to automatically invest into our Structure Products without having the need to manually subscribe. You will be able to “auto-enjoy” high APY rates.
  • More Supported Tokens: We launched Dual Investment starting with BTC and USDT as Underlying Assets. In the near future we will be adding ETH, LUNA and more
  • More Supported Chains: Furthermore, Dual Investment will also be launched on additional chains like Ethereum, Terra(LUNA) and Fantom.
  • Incentive Systems: To further enhance our $MATTER Token Utility there will be more incentives for Antimatter users to unlock features on our platform.

Tiered & Saddle Option

To add to our repertoire of Structure Products we are developing two new innovative kinds of Option Tickets. Let us introduce them

  • Tiered Option: In essence this product is a Call-Option, which rewards the buyer according to how many tiers he can climb without falling down. The tiers in this case are different price levels that have to be maintained to gain accumulative rewards.
  • Saddle Option: This product will let you bet on the volatility of an asset. The goal is to stay within a given price interval for a given amount of time. The longer you stay on the “Saddle” the more rewards you accumulate.

Ongoing Research


With the recent uptrend of virtual worlds, the Metaverse, we made it our task to dive in to this topic and explore the possibilities for Antimatter. We figured that building a Financial Center in the Metaverse can help promote the whole Antimatter Ecosystem. Especially Nonfungible Finance can be facilitated well through an open Metaverse, e.g. the display of your NFT Indexes.

Order Book Model

We are still in the process of researching cross-margin perpetuals with an order book model. An order book model makes it easier to onboard traditional market makers and institutions.

Accompany us on our journey, we keep building!

About Antimatter

Antimatter is a hub for decentralized on-chain financial products, such as DeFi derivatives and financial NFTs. Being community driven, innovative and simple forms the core of AntiMatter.

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